Family Offices

Flick Gocke Schaumburg’s experienced team of experts has been advising family entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals on the formation and structuring of family offices for many years. We provide ongoing support in all regulatory, legal and tax matters involved in family office administration and the management of assets and family members.

All contacts and experts

All-round management of family assets –
our advisory services at a glance:

News and insights

21.01.2025 | External Event
Webinar: Brennpunkte aus der Beratung von Family Offices – Ausblick auf Recht & Steuern 2025 (Teil 21)
12.11.2024 | External Event
Webinar: Brennpunkte aus der Beratung von Family Offices - Die Unternehmensnachfolge ohne Nachfolger (Teil 20)
10.10.2024 | External Event
Webinar: Brennpunkte aus der Beratung von Family Offices - Versorgung des Ehegatten (Teil 19)
08.10.2024 | FGS Event
Abendforum München: Erste Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Anwendungserlass zum AStG
30.09.2024 | Latest news
Second edition of ‘Foundation Law after the Reform’ released
18.09.2024 | External Event
Private Banking Kongress Hamburg 2024 - "Governance des Family Offices - Best Practices und Trends"
10.09.2024 | External Event
Webinar: Brennpunkte aus der Beratung von Family Offices - Die Steuerstraftat: Prävention, Verteidigung und Verurteilung (Teil 18)
20.11.2023 | Latest news
Continuing to grow: Flick Gocke Schaumburg announces numerous new partners
09.10.2023 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg maintains position among the top 10 law firms in terms of revenue
16.06.2023 | Latest news
Best Lawyers: Flick Gocke Schaumburg again named Law Firm of the Year for Tax Law and Succession Planning & Foundations