Art and Cultural Assets

Painting a Bigger Picture: Where Art and Law Collide

Artists, art collectors and art dealers are often individuals, but they can face complex legal and tax issues that otherwise affect only major corporations. That’s because art transcends national borders while coming into contact with many areas of law and almost all types of tax.

In advising players of all kinds on the art market, we contribute our legal and tax expertise to meet the needs of collections, galleries, auction houses, foundations, museums, and artists themselves. Our international network extends beyond the core topics of law and tax and includes experts in art valuation and insurance.

Our clients can leave all their questions to us, so they’re free to focus on what’s most important to them: art.

We look forward to sharing ideas with you: 

Send us an e-mail at or get in touch directly with one of the contacts below.

All contacts and experts

Our expertise at a glance

Succession arrangements that include works of art
Tax compliance in relation to cultural property
Advice on VAT and customs law in relation to art

News and insights

12.11.2025 | FGS Event
Steuer- und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht | Durchsuchung in Steuerstrafsachen
17.09.2025 | FGS Event
Steuer- und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht | Geldwäschebekämpfung aus steuerstrafrechtlicher Sicht
14.05.2025 | FGS Event
Steuer- und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht | Wirtschaftlich Berechtigter i.S.d. GwG: Begriff und Eintragungspflichten im Transparenzregister
12.03.2025 | FGS Event
Steuer- und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht | Aktuelles zu Cum/Cum-Gestaltungen – Rechtsprechung und Verwaltungsauffassung
25.02.2025 | FGS Event
Spotlight Arbeitsrecht: Nach der Bundestagswahl - Was erwartet uns im Arbeits- und Sozialversicherungsrecht?
11.02.2025 | FGS Event
Berliner Nachfolge-Forum: Aktuelles zu Kunst und Ferienimmobilien in der Nachfolge
24.12.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises OneIM and OCP on the acquisition of the Cosmopolitan portfolio of Adler Group
28.11.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises the shareholders of plentysystems AG on strategic investment from PSG
26.11.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises LFH Portfolio Acquico on the acquisition of 5,200 residential units in Germany
21.11.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises Jan Henric Buettner on investment in Freestyle Chess – first summit on November 21–22 in Singapore
18.11.2024 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg announces six new partners
15.11.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises GSG GENII Software Group on the purchase of PLANAT