Dr. Matthias Heusel

Dr. Matthias Heusel

Associated Partner

Dr. Matthias Heusel

Associated Partner


+49 711 69946-195
+49 711 69946-100

Attorney since 2013; Associate Partner since 2022

2003 to 2008 Law studies at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen,
2008 First State Examination in Law
2009 to 2011 Doctorate at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen
2010 to 2012 legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Tübingen,
2012 Second State Examination in Law
2013-2022 Attorney at Law (last position: Counsel) at SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz in Mannheim

Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2022

Member of the Corporate Law Association
Member of the University of Tübingen Law Society

Automotive Healthcare Sector Commerce Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals Digital Economy and Telecommunications
    Neues zu den formellen Anforderungen an das genehmigte Kapital mit Bezugsrechtsausschluss
    AG 2023, 689
    Die SE & Co. KG und das Arbeitnehmerbeteiligungsverfahren, Zu LAG Nürnberg v. 1.9.2022 - 1 TaBV 27/21 und LAG Nürnberg v. 1.9.2022 - 3 TaBV 29/21
    AG 2023, R92
    Beschränkung des Fragerechts in der virtuellen Hauptversammlung
    EWiR 2022, 648-650

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