Our advisors don’t just advise. They teach.

Academic research and knowledge sharing are deeply rooted in our culture. As well as producing academic literature, blog posts and podcasts on economic and tax law subjects, our experts are also committed to teaching others. The table below shows the institutions in Germany and abroad where our advisors share their expertise. Come and learn from the best in their fields.

Universities and educational institutions
Advisors on duty

University/educational institution

  Teaching positions & lectures

Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg

Dr. Julian M. Egelhof, Lecturer
Dr. Rebecca Keß, Lecturer

Bergische Universität Wuppertal (University of Wuppertal)

Dr. Daniel Ternes, Lecturer in finance and corporate governance, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics

Bucerius Law School

Prof. Dr. Christian Bochmann LL.M. (Cambridge), Managing Director of the Center Family Business
Christoph Oenings, Lecturer
Dr. Ruben Rehr, Lecturer
Dr. Christian Süß, Lecturer in accounting tax law and accounting
Dr. Daniel Ternes, Lecturer in Tax Compliance at the Hamburg Certificate Programme for Compliance Officers (Bucerius Compliance Officer)
Dr. Tim Maciejewski, Research Assistant

Bundesfinanzakademie (German Federal Finance Academy)

Dr. Henriette Boecken, Guest lecturer
Stefan Burghaus, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz, Guest lecturer
Dr. Andreas Erdbrügger, Guest lecturer
Dr. Markus Greinert, Guest lecturer
Dr. Michael Holtz, Guest lecturer
Dr. Andreas Höpfner, Guest lecturer
Dr. Marc Jülicher, Guest lecturer
Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M., Guest lecturer
Dr. Günter Kahlert, Guest lecturer
Dr. Torsten Kohl, Guest lecturer
Dr. Jochen Kotzenberg LL.M. (Vanderbilt), Guest lecturer
Dr. Daniel Liebchen, Guest lecturer
Dr. Tim Maciejewski, Guest lecturer
Dr. Bernd Noll, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Detlev J. Piltz, Guest lecturer
Dr. Christian Pitzal, Guest lecturer
Dr. Karsten Randt, Guest lecturer
Dr. Manfred Reich, Guest lecturer
Dr. Rebekka Rein, Lecturer
Dr. Katja Rosa-Schneiders, Guest lecturer
Dr. Jörg Schauf, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Harald Schaumburg, Guest lecturer
Dr. Tanja Schienke-Ohletz, Guest lecturer in international non-profit and donation law
Marc Schmidt, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Jens Schönfeld, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schumacher, Guest lecturer
Dr. Tobias Schwartz, Guest lecturer
Dr. Michael Schwindt, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Ingo Stangl, Guest lecturer
Markus Suchanek, Guest lecturer
Prof. Dr. Vassil Tcherveniachki, Guest lecturer
Dr. Christian von Oertzen, Guest lecturer
Dr. Matthias Winter, Guest lecturer
Dr. Michael Winter, Guest lecturer

Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (Federal Chamber of Lawyers)

Alexander Heinen, Lecturing activity

Bundessteuerberaterkammer (Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors)

Dr. Marc Jülicher, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law and speaker on the topic of "International Inheritance Tax" at the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Vassil Tcherveniachki, Speaker on "Transfer Pricing"

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (University of Kiel)

Dr. Benjamin Westermann, Lecturer

Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie Freiburg 

Dr. Rebecca Keß, Lecturer

Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Dr. Matthias Winter, Lecturer in VAT

Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit e.V. (German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation)

Alexander Heinen, Lecturing activity

Deutsche Stiftungsakademie (German Foundation Academy)

Judith Mehren, Lecturing activity

Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)

Johannes Klamet, Lecturer tax law

Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut und Deutscher Anwaltsverein (German Lawyers Institute and German Bar Association)

Benjamin Ballhorn, Specialist for company valuation​​​​​​​
Jan König, Specialist for company valuation

ESB Universität Wiesbaden

Dr. Florian Lindermann, Lecturer in digitalization


Prof. Dr. Hans Fleisch, Lecturer in foundation law and management 

Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Prof. Dr. Christian Jehke LL.M., Honorary professor
Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M., Lecturer
Dr. Rebekka Rein, Lecturer


Jan-Hendrik Hillers, Lecturer in the preparation for the tax advisor exam

Fachseminare von Fürstenberg

Prof. Dr. Sven-Eric Bärsch, Professional head and lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law
Dr. Sebastian Binder, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Markus Greinert, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Christian Hick, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Christoph Klein, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Michal Fabian Kühn, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Nils Linnemann, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Claus Ritzer, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law
Dr. Jörg Schauf, Lecturer in the course “Certified advisor for tax criminal law (DAA)”
Dr. Tanja Schienke-Ohletz, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Dr. Klaus Sieker, Lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Vassil Tcherveniachki, Professional head and lecturer in the specialist consultant course International Tax Law​​​

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management

Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M., Lecturer​​​​​​​
Dr. Rebekka Rein, Lecturer
Helena Thor LL.M., Lecturer - Module "Basic Tax Types" (VAT/Business Tax)​​​​

Freie Universität Berlin (Free University of Berlin)

Dr. Andreas Erdbrügger, Lecturer in VAT law

Hagen Law School

Dr. Karsten Lorenz LL.M., Lecturer in heritage and gift tax law (specialist lawyer course tax law)​​​​​​​
Judith Mehren, Lecturer in heritage and gift tax law (specialist lawyer course tax law)

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (University of Düsseldorf)

Dr. Robert Billerbeck, Lecturer in civil law and European business law​​​​​​​
Dr. Michael Erkens, Lecturer in corporate law and corporate reorganization law​​​​​​​
Dr. Jan C. Giedinghagen LL.M. (Boston), Lecturer in capital markets​​​​​​​ law
Prof. Dr. Dieter Leuering, Lecturer in Corporate Litigation Law, honorary professor since 2014 and Director of the Center for Business and Corporate Law

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Benjamin Ballhorn, Financial Modelling, Valuation and M&A-Professional 
Jan König, Financial Modelling, Valuation and M&A-Professional

Hochschule Bielefeld (Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Art)

Dr. Christina Hildebrand, Lecturer in tax law

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences)

Jan König, Lecturer in business valuation​​​​​​​
Dr. Lutz Riedel, Lecturer in business taxation and corporate taxation and accounting

Hochschule Meißen (FH) und Fortbildungszentrum (Meißen University of Applied Sciences and training center)

Dr. Philipp S. Weinmann, Lecturer in private law

Hochschule Niederrhein (Lower Rhine University of Applied Sciences)

Rainald Vobbe, Lecturer

Hochschule Worms (Worms University of Applied Sciences)

Matthias Body, Lecturer in tax studies
Christian Stürke, Lecturer in group accounting

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Universtiy of Frankfurt)

Dr. Torsten Engers, Lecturer at the Institute for Law and Finance
Christoph Hawlitschek, LL.M. (San Francisco), Lecturer at the Institute for Law and Finance
Dr. Marcus Oliver Mick LL.M. (Fordham Univers.), Lecturer

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (University of Mainz)

Dr. Florian C. Haus, Lecturer in antitrust law on the Masters program in media law, and in copyright and media law on the advanced course for specialist lawyers (Mainz Media Institute)​​​​​​​
Dr. Arne von Freeden LL.M. (NYU), Lecturer in international tax law

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Prof. Dr. Axel Cordewener LL.M., Professor in tax law

Lehrgangswerk Haas

Fabian Kuhlen M.Sc., Lecturer and marker in the preparation for the tax advisor examination

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Dr. Denis C. Fehrmann, Lecturer in capital markets law
Dr. Paul Schirrmacher, Lecturer in corporate law

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (University of Halle-Wittenberg)

Prof. Dr. Jan Bron LL.M., Honorary professor​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Andreas Söffing, Honorary professor

Mercator School of Management, Universität Duisburg-Essen (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Christoph Merks, Lecturer in corporate law

Mittelrheinische Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie

Dr. Michael Erkens, Lecturer in corporate and commercial law

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (University of Bochum)

Dr. Alexander Witfeld, Lecturer

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Jeanette Witte, Lecturer in business valuation

Steuer-Fachschule Dr. Endriss

Nils Leucht, Lecturer for the preparation for the tax consultant exam

Technische Hochschule Köln (Technical University of Cologne)

Cornelia Andree, Lecturer in international tax law

Universität Augsburg (University of Augsburg)

Dr. Christina Hildebrand, Lecturer in procedural law​​​​​​​

Universität Bamberg (University of Bamberg)

Dr. Claus Ritzer, Lecturer in reorganization tax law

Universität Bayreuth (University of Bayreuth)

Dr. Tobias Schwartz, Lecturer at the faculty of Law and Economics

Universität Bonn (University of Bonn)

Dr. Matthias Merkelbach​​​​​​​, Lecturer (Introduction to capital markets law)
Dr. Philipp Rottke, Lecturer (international accounting in accordance with IFRS)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schauhoff, Honorary professor in tax law​​​​​​​
Marc Schmidt, Lecturer (international accounting according to IFRS)​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Wassermeyer, Lecturer in tax law and honorary professor

Universität des Saarlandes (University of Saarland)

Prof. Dr. Vassil Tcherveniachki, Honorary professor

Universität Hildesheim (University of Hildesheim)

Prof. Dr. Hans Fleisch, Honorary professor in Nonprofit-Management

Universität Hohenheim (University of Hohenheim)

Dr. Gustav Liedgens​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Lecturer

Universität Köln (University of Cologne)

Dr. Christian Brünkmans LL.M., Lecturer
Dr. Erik Duesberg, Lecturer in commercial law and European criminal law 
Prof. Dr. Frank Hannes, Honorary professor​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hennrichs, Professor of civil law, accounting law and tax law and Director of the Institute of Corporate Law
Dr. Markus Keuthen, Lecturer for the LL.M. programme in corporate tax law
Dr. Christian Kirchhain LL.M., Lecturer, LL.M. program in business taxation, taxation of not-for-profit organizations​​​​​​​
Dr. Bernhard Liekenbrock, Lecturer ​​​​​​​
Dr. Christian Pitzal, Lecturer for the LL.M. programme in corporate tax law​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rödder, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Harald Schaumburg, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Thomas Sendke, Lecturer in European Tax Law and Corporate Tax Law
Dr. Daniel Ternes, Guest lecturer in Compliance Management​​​​​​​
Dr. Tim Zinowsky, Lecturer in Corporate Tax Law

Universität Lausanne (University of Lausanne)

Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz, Lecturer (Executive Programs in Transfer Pricing)

Universität Leipzig (University of Leipzig)

Prof. Dr. Christian Bochmann LL.M. (Cambridge), Honorary Professor of Corporate Law and Family Business Law

Universität Mannheim (University of Mannheim)

Prof. Dr. Sven-Eric Bärsch, Honorary professor
Dr. Nils Häck, Lecturer in international tax law
Dr. Marc Jülicher, Guest lecturer at the Center for Company Succession (zentUMA) 
Prof. Dr. Detlev J. Piltz, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rogall, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schumacher, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Dr. Jörg Stalleiken, Lecturer for inheritance tax law and valuation law

Universität Münster (University of Münster)

Yannick Barbu LL.M., Licencié en droit, Lecturer within the scope of the Master's program "Tax Sciences"​​​​​​​
Dr. Christoph Bode, Lecturer (International and European Corporate Law)​​​​​​​
Dr. Christoph Klein, Lecturer within the scope of the Master's program "Tax Sciences"​​​​​​​
Dr. Nils Linnemann, Lecturer in the course "Specialist Advisor for International Tax Law" (Fachberater/in für Internationales Steuerrecht)​​​​​​​
Dr. Karsten Lorenz LL.M., Lecturer for business succession and inheritance tax law in the Master's programme "Mergers & Acquisitions"​​​​​​​
Dr. Matthias Merkelbach, Lecturer in the Compliance Certificate Course of Jurgrad gGmbH​​​​​​​
Christoph Oenings, Lecturer

Universität Osnabrück (University of Münster)

Prof. Dr. Jens Schönfeld, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Universität Passau (University of Passau)

Prof. Dr. Michael Hendricks, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmitt, Lecturer, extraordinary professor

Universität Regensburg (University of Regensburg)

Prof. Dr. Ingo Stangl, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Universität Siegen (University of Siegen)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Prof. Dr. Martin Cordes, Honorary professor, lecturer in reorganization tax law and tax compliance 
Dr. Bernhard Liekenbrock, Lecturer

Universität Trier (University of Trier)

Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz, Honorary professor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Universität Tübingen (University of Tübingen)

Dr. Daniel Dreßler, Lecturer in corporate taxation​​​​​​​
Dr. Patrick Kompolsek, Lecturer in tax accounting
Dr. Jörg F. Kurzenberger​​​​​​​, Lecturer at the faculty of Law

Universität Zürich (University of Zurich)

​​​​​​Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz, Lecturer (LL.M. programme)​​​​​​​
Dr. Bernd Noll, Lecturer (LL.M. programme "International Tax Law")

University of Applied Sciences Europe

Dr. Jan C. Giedinghagen LL.M. (Boston), Lecturer in corporate law and capital markets law

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management Vallendar

Dr. Daniel Ternes, Guest lecturer in Compliance Management

Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen​​​​​​​ (University of Friedrichshafen)

Dr. Kevin Joder​​​​​​​, Lecturer