Zwei Männer und eine Frau stehen vor Eingang mit Flick-Gocke-Schaumburg-Logo

Business Valuation and Corporate Finance

Valuations form the basis of key business decisions. From start-ups to international corporations, we support shareholders, executive bodies, companies, banks and investors in all matters relating to business management and valuation. Our associates are members of the bodies that define standards for the profession, and they regularly publish on business valuation topics. As a member of the technical committee for business valuations and commerce of the Institute of Public Auditors, we play an instrumental role in setting valuation standards in Germany.

We perform valuation tasks as independent experts and in arbitration proceedings, and we value enterprises in an advisory capacity.

With our partner-led approach, our valuation team works to ensure maximum efficiency and value-added services. We regularly work with small teams of experienced advisors, always geared to the needs of our clients, who can contact us directly at any time. Our financial advisory and valuation services lie at the interface with tax and corporate law. Our experts are familiar with the tax and legal requirements and can integrate their advisory services into the overall process.

All contacts and experts

Our expertise at a glance

Valuations for tax purposes
Valuations under corporate law
Valuations under inheritance law and family law
Valuations for accounting purposes
Fairness opinions
Assistance with arbitration, judicial valuation and court proceedings
Financial advisory services for transactions
Advisory in other matters

News and insights

11.03.2025 | FGS Event
Bewertungs-Update 2025 | Unternehmensbewertung im rechtlichen Umfeld
13.11.2024 | FGS Event
Bewertungs-Update 2024 Hamburg | Unternehmensbewertung im rechtlichen Umfeld
11.11.2024 | FGS Event
Bewertungs-Update 2024 München | Unternehmensbewertung im rechtlichen Umfeld
25.04.2024 | FGS Event
Webinar: Ort der Geschäftsleitung und Betriebsstätten – Brennpunkte in Betriebsprüfungen und Gegenstand aktueller Rechtsprechung
15.04.2024 | External Event
Fachberater*in für die Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen
09.10.2023 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg maintains position among the top 10 law firms in terms of revenue
07.07.2023 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises De Nora on acquisition of Shotec
29.06.2023 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises CellForm Holding GmbH on strategic investment by ALBERT WEBER
11.05.2023 | FGS Event
Bewertungs-Update 2023 Berlin
29.10.2021 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises shareholders of JUMP House on sale and integration into the RUSH Group
27.05.2020 | FGS Blog
Unternehmenssanierung durch Schutzschirm und Insolvenzplan in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie
22.04.2020 | FGS Blog
Steuern und COVID-19: Von Sofortmaßnahmen zum langfristigen Krisenmanagement