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Labor and Employment Law and Social Security Law

Originally focusing on labor and employment aspects of corporate reorganizations and M&A transactions, our team now covers the full spectrum of labor and employment law and social security law. We act mainly on behalf of employers and executives.

Our experts provide planning and strategic advice on labor and employment matters, for example in plant closures and compliance investigations. In addition to assisting on all legal questions of operational business, we represent our clients in disputes before all courts of law and before arbitration committees.

Social security law

Our expertise in social security law covers all areas relevant to businesses and is closely connected to tax law. It’s where these disciplines meet that our clients benefit significantly from our specialization. In downsizing programs, for example, we not only offer advice on labor and employment matters, but also directly consider the social security aspects and options for optimization. We have also created our own digital tools for companies and affected employees to calculate retirement packages optimized under tax and social-security law. We work with clients not only on day-to-day business matters and projects, but also in connection with tax audits. That’s where our expertise in social security law comes into play.

Our expertise at a glance

Client advisory in labor and employment law
Client advisory in social security law

News and insights

23.09.2025 | FGS Event
Veranstaltungsreihe: Auf dem Weg zu Equal Pay | Hamburg
22.05.2025 | FGS Event
Veranstaltungsreihe: Auf dem Weg zu Equal Pay | Frankfurt am Main
03.04.2025 | FGS Event
Veranstaltungsreihe: Auf dem Weg zu Equal Pay | München
25.02.2025 | FGS Event
Spotlight Arbeitsrecht: Nach der Bundestagswahl - Was erwartet uns im Arbeits- und Sozialversicherungsrecht?
24.01.2025 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises Porsche on the acquisition of VARTA by StaRUG proceedings
21.01.2025 | FGS Event
Spotlight Arbeitsrecht: Employer of Record - Fallstricke und Neuerungen
28.11.2024 | External Event
Trennungsprozesse im Unternehmen - So finden Sie in HR neue Wege bei Restrukturierung & Personalabbau
18.11.2024 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg announces six new partners
18.10.2024 | FGS Blog
Ministry of Finance circular of 8 October 2024: daily tax table for wage tax de-duction pushed back to 2025
30.09.2024 | Latest news
Best Lawyers: Flick Gocke Schaumburg named Law Firm of the Year for tax law
17.07.2024 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises Joachim Herz Foundation on the acquisition of a minority stake in Weidmüller
13.06.2024 | Latest news
Best Lawyers 2025: Flick Gocke Schaumburg continues to go from strength to strength

More information

Brochure on labor and employment law

Our specialist advice on downsizing programs

Der Arbeitsrecht Podcast: Otto Schmidt Powered by Flick Gocke Schaumburg

“Spotlight on labor and employment law” – we regularly host seminars. Sign up to our mailing list here (click next to “Labor and employment law, and social security law”).

German government report on the effectiveness of the Transparency in Wage Structures Act, BMFSFJ, 2019
Co-authors of the evaluation report: Dr. Tobias Nießen, Dr. Ursula Neuhoff