Dr. Yorck Frese

Dr. Yorck Frese

Lawyer, Certified Commercial and Corporate Lawyer
Associated Partner

Dr. Yorck Frese

Lawyer, Certified Commercial and Corporate Lawyer
Associated Partner


+49 40 307085-0
+49 40 307085-100

Lawyer since 2015

Studied law at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg (2015 Dr. iur.) and the Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2018
Associated Partner since 2021

Member of the German Corporate Law Association (VGR)
Member of the sdw Alumni e. V.
Member of the Bucerius Alumni e. V.

    Die GbR wird transparent – was das für Immobilieninvestoren bedeutet
    Private Banking Magazin (online), 08.06.2023
    Haftungs- statt Bedingungslösung auch bei Ausschluss eines Gesellschafters – Anmerkung zu BGH vom 11.7.2023 – II ZR 116/21
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    Die Reform des Vormundschafts- und Betreuungsrechts und ihre Wirkungen in der Unternehmerfamilie
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