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Capital Markets Law

Listed companies and their shareholders face ever-increasing regulation. Follow-up obligations under capital markets law are regularly tightened and expanded, new international guidelines and structures are introduced, and new requirements such as environmental, social and governance principles must be observed.

We advise capital market-oriented companies on transactions and compliance under capital markets law. Clients come to us for advice on IPOs and segment changes, capital increases (with and without prospectus) and other capital measures (debt and equity) as well as corporate takeovers and defending against them.

We advise issuers on meeting their follow-up obligations under capital markets law, on designing and introducing employee participation plans, and on holding general meetings. We also offer compliance training in capital markets law.

Our team has extensive experience in the issuance of corporate, exchangeable or hybrid bonds or profit participation rights, and in introducing stock-option plans and similar employee participation plans.

Our expertise in capital markets law is complemented by in-depth experience in stock exchange law, securities law, banking law and insurance supervisory law.

All contacts and experts

News and insights

24.01.2025 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises Porsche on the acquisition of VARTA by StaRUG proceedings
19.09.2023 | FGS Event
Webinar-Forum Corporate & Wirtschaftsrecht 2023
08.02.2023 | FGS Blog
Der geplante EU Listing Act – Prospektfreiheit von Bezugsrechtsemissionen
30.01.2023 | FGS Blog
Update ESG: Fondsnamen und Greenwashing – Konsultation zu neuen ESMA-Leitlinien
24.01.2023 | External Event
Frankfurter Steuerfachtag 2023
13.01.2023 | FGS Blog
Der Kommissionsvorschlag für einen EU Listing Act – Geplante Änderungen im Insiderrecht
14.06.2022 | FGS Event
Perspektivisch betrachtet: M&A Forum 2022
13.06.2022 | FGS Event
Webinar: Zukunft der virtuellen Hauptversammlung - Rechtsrahmen und Praxisausblick
21.01.2022 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises 468 SPAC II on IPO
20.12.2021 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises FINN on asset-backed funding