Dr. Nils Häck

Dr. Nils Häck

Lawyer, Certified Tax Lawyer

Dr. Nils Häck

Lawyer, Certified Tax Lawyer


+49 228 9594-0
+49 228 9594-100

Lawyer since 2007, certified tax lawyer

Studied law in Bayreuth and Hamburg (2004 Dr. iur.)
2007 – 2016 Flick Gocke Schaumburg, most recently as an associated partner
2016 – 2018 Head of the corporate tax department of a midsized family-owned business
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2018
Associated Partner since 2018
Partner since 2021
Co-editor of Flick/Wassermeyer/Kempermann, Double Taxation Agreement Germany- Switzerland, loose leaf edition

Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)
Member of the Rheinischer Steuerkreis

Lecturer at the university of Mannheim for international tax law

Austria Switzerland
    Festsetzung der Wegzugsteuer bei einem Wegzug in die Schweiz verstößt nicht gegen Freizügigkeitsabkommen, Anmerkung zu BFH v. 6.9.2023, I R 35/20
    IStR 2024, 108
    Update Wegzugsbesteuerung natürlicher Personen (§ 6 AStG): Finaler AEAStG, MinBestRL-UmsG und BFH-Rechtsprechung
    ISR 2024, 77
    Die Wegzugsbesteuerung (§ 6 AStG) im Entwurf des AStG-Anwendungserlasses
    ISR 2023, 277

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