Frau und Mann unterhalten sich auf Außenbalkon

Business Succession and Wealth Planning

We assist clients in optimizing, for tax purposes, the transfer of their family business and assets during their lifetimes or on death.

The structures we create offer legal certainty, prevent disputes, and are sustainable from a tax perspective. In key matters, we regularly obtain binding rulings from the tax authorities to ensure that our clients can plan with certainty.

Our lawyers and tax advisors in the Family-owned Business and Private Clients practice group cover all areas of law related to business succession and wealth planning – from inheritance law and corporate law to income tax law, gift tax law, and inheritance tax law.

We also advise clients who hold major stakes in listed companies with regard to capital markets law.

All contacts and experts

News and insights

28.11.2024 | External Event
Webinar: Aktuelle Verwaltungsanweisungen und Rechtsprechung zu Begünstigungen für Betriebsvermögen in der Erbschaftsteuer
20.11.2024 | External Event
Aktuelle Fragen der Vermögens- und Unternehmensnachfolge
07.11.2024 | External Event
Webinar: Der Verwaltungsvermögenstest nach § 13b ErbStG – Grundlagen und Aktuelles
08.10.2024 | External Event
76. Fachkongress der Steuerberater
04.09.2024 | FGS Event
Berliner Nachfolge-Forum | Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Chancen in der (Immobilien-)Nachfolge
13.06.2024 | External Event
Betreuung privater Vermögen und Familienunternehmen 2024
16.11.2023 | Latest news
JUVE HANDBOOK 2023/2024: Flick Gocke Schaumburg remains at the forefront in succession/private wealth/foundations, and criminal tax law
09.10.2023 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg maintains position among the top 10 law firms in terms of revenue
16.06.2023 | Latest news
Best Lawyers: Flick Gocke Schaumburg again named Law Firm of the Year for Tax Law and Succession Planning & Foundations
23.02.2021 | FGS Blog
Naturalization and Article 116 of the German Constitution
09.02.2021 | FGS Blog
Regierungsentwurf zur Stiftungsrechtsreform veröffentlicht
03.02.2021 | FGS Blog
Vereine und Stiftungen: Wirksame Beschlussfassung in Zeiten von Corona