Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M.

Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M.

Tax Advisor, Expert Advisor on International Tax Law

Dr. Christian Kahlenberg LL.M.

Tax Advisor, Expert Advisor on International Tax Law


+49 228 9594-0
+49 228 9594-100


+49 30 210020-0
+49 30 210020-100

Certified tax advisor since 2017, Specialist consultant for international tax law since 2019

Studied international business administration in Frankfurt/Oder (2011 Bachelor of Science, 2013 Master of Science, 2016 Dr. rer. pol.) as well as european business law (2018 Master of Laws)
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2018
Associated Partner since 2021
Partner since 2024

Board member and deputy chairman of the Young-IFA-Network ret.

Member of the Advisory Board of the IWB (Internationalw Wirtschaftsbriefe)
Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)

Country correspondent at the IBFD for the Bulletin for International Taxation (BIT)

Lecturer at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
Lecturer at the University of Economics & Management (FOM), Berlin
Lecturer at the Federal Finance Academy (BFA), Berlin

    Steuerrecht aktuell 1/2020
    Kahlenberg/Weiss, S. 252-307
    Anti Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) Kommentar
    Kahlenberg/Hagemann (Hrsg.), 1. Aufl. 2018
    Fallreihe AStG-Anwendungserlass 2023: Der Entwurf eines neuen Anwendungserlasses zum AStG - Teil 1: die Wegzugsbesteuerung
    PIStB 9/2023, 248-253

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