As well as auditing financial statements, we provide auditing services in various areas, some of which are required by law or by the private sector. We have experts with in-depth knowledge of a wide range of topics. A particular focus here is on energy audits, which often have a strong cost impact.
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We support our clients in energy management issues, especially:
Subject to certain conditions, companies with high electricity costs can qualify for the special equalization scheme pursuant to Sec. 63 et seqq. of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG 2021). The success of an application depends on the presentation of a certificate issued by a public auditor or professionally registered chartered accountant and based on the audited financial statements, prepared in compliance with the Commercial Code, for the last three financial years. Thanks to our expertise and experience in the energy sector, we are well equipped to perform such audits in compliance with IDW Standard EPS 970 (new). We also certify the ratio of electricity costs to sales revenues so that companies operating a cogeneration plant can obtain compensation through a redistribution of the economic costs in accordance with Sec. 9 of the German Combined Heat and Power Act.
To reduce their indirect electricity costs, companies can apply to the German Emissions Trading Authority for aid for indirect CO2 costs. The application must contain a certificate issued by an auditor verifying the factual information. We have the necessary expertise in both the energy sector and energy law to perform audits in compliance with the guidance published by the Emissions Trading Authority.
The Carbon Leakage Ordinance serves to protect industrial companies affected by the CO2 levy from carbon leakage and to maintain their cross-border competitiveness. Carbon leakage occurs when companies relocate their production to other countries with less stringent emissions regulations due to the high costs of climate protection requirements. This carbon leakage risk must be prevented by allowing these companies to apply for financial aid. These applications must contain a certificate issued by an auditor/chartered accountant, an auditing firm/accountancy firm or a cooperative auditing association verifying the factual information. We have the necessary expertise in both the energy sector and energy law to perform audits in compliance with the Carbon Leakage Application Guide published by the German Emissions Trading Agency pursuant to Sec. 11(3) of the Fuel Emissions Trading Act and the instructions for companies on preparing a compensation application.
In addition to energy audits, we provide the following special auditing services:
1. Reorganization audits
Depending on the type of reorganization and the legal form of the entities involved, we carry out the audits required under the German Reorganization Act:
- Audit of the merger agreement/plan
- Audit of the balance sheet and/or closing balance sheet of the transferring entity/entities (merger)
- Audit of the appropriateness of the cash settlement (merger, demerger)
- External formation audit (merger by way of a new formation)
- Audit of the contribution in kind (merger or demerger with capital increase)
- External formation audit (demerger)
- External formation audit (spin-off from the assets of a sole trader)
- External formation audit (change of legal form)