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Tax Compliance

Our tax law experts are supported by an experienced tax compliance team, whose work includes preparing tax returns and annual financial statements for companies, high-net-worth individuals, and non-profit organizations with particular regard to tax risk management.

We also determine clients’ income in cross-border tax cases, provide our specialist knowledge in tax audits, and appraise capital investments from a tax perspective.

All contacts and experts

News and insights

20.02.2024 | External Event
Aktuelle Betriebsprüfungsfälle
27.04.2023 | External Event
17. Hamburger Steuerdialog
16.03.2021 | Deals done
Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises Birkenstock on a strategic partnership with L Catterton and Bernard Arnault
01.12.2020 | FGS Blog
Absage an die Arbeitshilfe des BMF zur Aufteilung von Grundstückswerten
06.09.2019 | FGS Blog
BMJV legt Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung von Unternehmenskriminalität vor
09.07.2018 | FGS Blog
Grünes Licht für Durchsuchung nach Internal Investigations
19.07.2017 | FGS Blog
Tax Compliance: Zertifizierung bringt Rechtssicherheit