Frau und Mann lächeln auf einem Glasbalkon

Banking and Insurance Supervisory Law

We advise banks, insurance providers, and other companies in the financial sector on all regulatory matters. We regularly represent our clients in supervisory proceedings of the European Central Bank, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, and the German Federal Bank. Our many years of experience have given us in-depth knowledge of the practices of the authorities and the sector as a whole. That means we’re perfectly placed to advise clients on compliance with both supervisory and regulatory requirements. Our solutions have been tried and tested in practice. Our clients include banks, financial service providers, securities institutions, asset managers, factoring institutions, and payment service providers. We also advise numerous insurance providers, insurance groups, insurance brokers and pension funds.

Non-regulated entities regularly seek our advice on regulatory issues. In addition to industrial companies and other businesses in the real economy, our client base includes family offices and service providers. We’re on hand to answer their questions on the scope of licensing obligations under supervisory law and regulatory exemption requirements, particularly in connection with financing and investments.

Our expertise at a glance

Supervisory proceedings
Regulatory requirements
Corporate governance
Regulatory remuneration requirements
Advice to non-regulated companies

News and insights

30.09.2024 | External Event
VABinar "Tax Luncheon" | Aktuelle Klippen der Betriebsstättenbegründung von Finanzdienstleistern
30.04.2024 | FGS Event
Webinar: Verschärfte Anforderungen an die Anerkennung von konzerninternen Finanzierungsbeziehungen – Die Neuregelungen gem. § 1 Abs. 3d und 3e AStG im Überblick
07.12.2022 | External Event
Webinar: Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung in der Praxis – Internationales Steuerrecht: Steuerrisiken und Steuerplanung vor und nach der AStG-Reform
20.05.2022 | FGS Blog
BMF veröffentlicht finales Schreiben zur ertragsteuerlichen Behandlung von Krypto Assets
25.02.2022 | FGS Blog
Der geplante EU-Listing Act –Reform des Kapitalmarktrechts steht bevor
01.09.2021 | FGS Blog
Bitcoin, Ether & Co. – Erlaubnispflicht beim Einsatz von Kryptowährungen im eCommerce?
21.06.2021 | FGS Blog
BMF äußert sich zur ertragsteuerlichen Behandlung von Krypto Assets
07.06.2021 | FGS Blog
Neue transaktionale Informationspflichten beim Kryptowertetransfer