We audit compliance and tax compliance management systems, and risk management systems.
(Tax) compliance management systems
- We audit the appropriateness and effectiveness of existing compliance and tax compliance management systems in accordance with IDW draft AuS 980: Principles for the Proper Auditing of Compliance Management Systems.
Risk management systems
- Advising on the development, implementation and optimization of risk management systems
- Conducting statutory and voluntary audits of early risk warning systems in accordance with Sec. 317(4) the German Commercial Code in conjunction with Sec. 91(2) of the German Stock Corporation Act
- Voluntary audits of the risk management system in compliance with IDW AuS 981: Principles for the Proper Auditing of Risk Management Systems. We perform our risk management advisory and auditing services in line with best practice (e.g. the COSO II framework).
Internal control systems
- Designing and optimizing internal control systems
- Auditing the internal control system in compliance with IDW AuS 982: Principles for the Proper Auditing of the Internal Control System for Internal and External Reporting. These audits can provide management and supervisory bodies with information and assurance on the status of the internal control system as well as identify potential for improvement.
Internal auditing
- Performing internal auditing (outsourcing)
- Auditing internal audit systems in compliance with IDW AuS 983: Principles for the Proper Auditing of Internal Audit Systems. These audits can provide management and supervisory bodies with information and assurance on the status of the internal audit system as well as identify potential for improvement.