Prof. Dr. Detlev J. Piltz

Prof. Dr. Detlev J. Piltz

Lawyer, Certified Tax Lawyer
Associated Partner

Prof. Dr. Detlev J. Piltz

Lawyer, Certified Tax Lawyer
Associated Partner


+49 228 9594-311
+49 228 9594-100

Lawyer since 1975, certified tax lawyer since 1975

Studied law in Freiburg, Bonn and Mannheim (1980 Dr. iur.)
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 1990
Partner since 1991

President of the German Branch of the International Fiscal Association
Chairman of the Fachinstitut der Steuerberater (German Institute of Certified Tax Advisors)
Co-editor of the series of books “Forum der Internationalen Besteuerung” (Forum of International Taxation)
Co-editor of the “Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge” (ZEV) (Journal of Inheritance Law and Estate Planning) and “Internationales Steuerrecht” (IStR) (International Tax Law Review)

Member of the advisory board of the Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft (German Tax Law Society).

Honorary professor at the University of Mannheim since 1992
Guest lecturer at the Bundesfinanzakademie (German Federal Finance Academy)

    Steuergesetzgebung - Ein Kampf ums Recht
    C.H.Beck, 2023
    Testamentsvollstreckung im Steuerrecht
    Bengel/Reimann (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Testamentsvollstreckung, 4. Aufl. 2013.
    Mehrheitsmacht und Minderheitenschutz in der Steuergesetzgebung
    FS Haarmann, 2015, S. 766

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