Dr. Alexander Witfeld

Dr. Alexander Witfeld

Lawyer, Tax Advisor
Associated Partner

Dr. Alexander Witfeld

Lawyer, Tax Advisor
Associated Partner


+49 211 61822-158
+49 211 61822-100

Lawyer since 2017, certified tax advisor since 2020

Studied law at the Ruhr-university Bochum with fokus on tax law (2012 Dipl-Jur.)
Dissertation at the Ruhr-university Bochum (2015 Dr. iur.)
Legal clerkship in the district of the OLG Hamm, among others stations at the Finanzministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen and big corporate law firms (2017 Ass. iur.)
2012 –  2015 research assistent at a professorchip for tax law at the RUhr-universität Bochum (Prof. Dr. Roman Seer)
2017 –  2019 lawyer/ tax advisor at CMS Hasche Sigle (tax law)

Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2020
Associated Partner since 2023

Member of the Hamburger Kreises für Sanierungs- und Insolvenzsteuerrecht e.V.
Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Insolvenzrecht und Sanierung (DAV)
Member of the Deutsche SteuerjuristischenGesellschaft e.V.
Member of the Verein der Förderer der Steuerrechtspflege an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V.
Member of the Forum Steuerrecht Schloss Nordkirchen e.V.
Member of the working group "tax assessment advice at the end of the year" of the German Institute of Public Auditors (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.)
Member of taxcellence club e.V.

Since 2021 permanent author of the NZI for the column "Current Tax Law".

2023 Lecturer at the Ruhr University Bochum for "Reorganisation Tax Law"

Automotive Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals Digital Economy and Telecommunications Energy Sector Commerce Industrials
    Der UmwSt-Erlass-Entwurf v. 11.10.2023 und Vertrauensschutz zugunsten des Steuerpflichtigen bei „verschärfenden“ Änderungen
    DStR 2024, 201
    Handbuch Insolvenz- und Sanierungssteuerrecht
    hrsgg. v. Sonnleitner/Witfeld, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2. Auflage, 2022 (Kapitel 5, 6, 9 und 10)
    Teilbetrieb: Zur Qualifikation von CTA-Planvermögen als „neutrales Vermögen“ i.S.v. Rn. 15.09 Satz 1 UmwSt-Erlass 2011
    DK 2023, 385-394

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