Tax Law | Corporate and Group Tax Law

Flick Gocke Schaumburg elects new managing partner and new management board

11.12.2023 | Latest news 

The partners’ meeting of Flick Gocke Schaumburg has elected Prof. Matthias Rogall as the firm’s new managing partner. He takes over the position on January 1, 2024 from Prof. Thomas Rödder, whose regular term of office ends on December 31, 2023 and who did not stand for re-election after 15 years at the helm of the firm. Rogall will chair the firm’s newly elected eight-person management board: Prof. Xaver Ditz, Dr. Barbara Fleckenstein-Weiland, Prof. Frank Hannes, Prof. Christian Jehke, Dr. Tobias Nießen, Dr. Jörg Schauf and Dr. Bettina Wirth-Duncan. Both the new managing partner and the new management board have been elected for a three-year term.

“My thanks go to the partnership for placing its confidence in me,” states Rogall. “I look forward to continuing our firm’s extremely successful course in the coming years together with our partners and all of our employees. Flick Gocke Schaumburg stands for tax-focused legal advice. This unique advisory approach brings together our expertise in tax law, business law, auditing, business valuation, transactions, and compliance. We will remain true to this interdisciplinary approach while also continuing to develop our range of advisory services with an eye to the future and in line with changing market needs.”

Prof. Rogall, born in 1973, is a tax advisor based in the firm’s Bonn office. He advises domestic and foreign family businesses, groups and listed companies on group law and corporate tax law, with a particular focus on company sales and acquisitions. He joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg as an associate in 2003. He was elected as a partner in 2010, and has been a member of the management board since 2018.

As managing partner, Rogall succeeds Prof. Rödder, who has headed the firm since 2009 and significantly shaped its development over many years. With Rödder at the helm, Flick Gocke Schaumburg’s annual revenue has more than tripled to almost EUR 240 million (estimate for 2023), securing the firm’s position as one of Germany’s leading corporate law firms. The number of partners has climbed from 33 to 88 between 2009 and 2023, and the total number of permanent employees has grown from just under 250 to around 660. Rödder’s term of office has also seen major milestones in the firm’s development, such as the opening of offices in Munich (2009), Hamburg (2015), Düsseldorf (2018) and Stuttgart (2019), the planning and construction of the FGS Campus in Bonn, membership in the international Taxand and Praxity networks, and the establishment of the Tax Technology team of advisors.

“We have achieved a great deal together over the last 15 years, and Flick Gocke Schaumburg has grown to a record size,” comments Rödder. “It has been an exciting time. Matthias Rogall has been associated with our firm for more than two decades and is renowned for his professional excellence. I am delighted that has been elected as our new managing partner.”

Prof. Thomas Rödder, born in 1962, is a tax advisor and auditor and will continue in his role as a partner based at the firm’s Bonn office. He advises domestic and foreign family businesses, groups and listed companies on group law and corporate tax law, with a particular focus on reorganizations. Rödder joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 1991 and was elected as a partner in 1994. <<<