Tax Technology

Flick Gocke Schaumburg wins another award for digital management app

26.09.2023 | Latest news

Flick Gocke Schaumburg has won the PMN Management Award in the business development category for its Pillar 2 management app. The award was presented at a gala ceremony in Frankfurt on September 21, 2023.

The app was developed by FGS Digital GmbH, a Flick Gocke Schaumburg subsidiary providing tax-focused advice at the interface of tax and IT.

Explaining its rationale for the award, PMN said: “(...) When advising global companies, it’s essential to really understand business models, to have a solid IT set-up, and to be practical in your approach. Flick Gocke Schaumburg’s Pillar 2 management app successfully addresses all these areas. The visually appealing app helps companies’ finance and tax departments follow tax and compliance rules set by the OECD. As many internal processes and data sets require change by the end of 2026 to meet the new standard of global tax laws, advisory services are in demand. Flick Gocke Schaumburg’s digital product therefore entered the market at the perfect time. This leading German tax firm is impressively paving the way for digital, cross-border advisory services. With the app, Flick Gocke Schaumburg has invested in its tax and finance platform. And in a competitive advisory market, the app strengthens the firm’s relationships with major clients.”

This is the Pillar 2 management app’s second award, following on from the Taxcellence Award 2022. 

The app was developed by Holger Maier (managing director of FGS Digital), Dr. Nadia Altenburg, Silvia Seddio, Evrim Kaya-Breuer, Dr. Georg Bestelmeyer, Dr. Sven Kluge, and Dirk Schuster.

Since 2009, PMN’s Management Awards have recognized innovations  from commercial law firms and firms with a multidisciplinary approach. The award-winning projects must meet three criteria: innovation (within the law firm market), benchmark standards (for the legal industry), and business success (a significant contribution to the firm’s business success).

Pillar 2 management app

FGS Digital’s Pillar 2 management app and the related apps on the FGS Tax and Finance platform use the low-code development platform CLUU®. They provide corporate tax and finance departments with an easy, intuitive way to master the future challenges of minimum taxation for all legal entities in a group. The app was designed with clients as an end-to-end process for future Pillar 2 calculations and declarations, with user requirements and intuitive usability at the heart of its development from the outset. It aims to bring tax data models and the tax-focused applications based on them onto a central tax and finance platform, providing end users with a simple and intuitive user interface for their use cases, without master and transaction data being entered multiple times and disappearing into data silos. <<<

Photo (l.t.r.): Isabel Pieper, Holger Maier, Dr. Nadia Altenburg: Flick Gocke Schaumburg (© H.-J. Herrmann)