Private Equity | Tax Law | Corporate and Group Tax Law

Flick Gocke Schaumburg advised Eurofins on the acquisition of Umweltmykologie GmbH

04.04.2024 | Deals done

Flick Gocke Schaumburg has advised Eurofins Scientific on the acquisition of Umweltmykologie GmbH. With the acquisition of the Berlin based company Eurofins is further expanding its service portfolio.

Advisor Eurofins Scientific: Flick Gocke Schaumburg

Matthias Full (Lead), Corina Hackbarth; Associate: Franz-Joseph Reisner (all Private Equity/Tax) 
Services provided include tax due diligence as well as tax input on the purchase contract.

Eurofins is a global market leader for analytic services in environment, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic product testing and in discovery pharmacology, forensics, advanced material sciences and agroscience contract research services. The companies of Eurofins Umwelt Deutschland belong to the wordwide Eurofins network with more than 900 laboratories in over 1,000 companies across 62 countries.

For more than 25 years, Umweltmykologie GmbH, headquartered in Berlin, is a special laboratory for the detection of mold and wood-destroying fungi as well as bacteria. It offers its customers sample evaluations, system tests, reports, contract research, training and the development of new techniques and tests for sampling. <<<