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Press and media enquiries Annegret Kniepert (Head of Marketing & Communication) +49 228/95 94-660
Recruitment enquiries Teresa Höhl (HR Marketing & Recruitment Officer) +49 228/95 94-518
Indirect Taxes | Foundations & NPO 02.10.2024 | FGS Event Webinar: E-Rechnungspflicht ab 2025 | Eine Herausforderung auch für Non-Profit Organisationen >> further information (in German) International Tax Law / Transfer Pricing | Corporate and Group Tax Law 17.09.2024 | FGS Event Webinar: E-invoicing in the EU - A look at France, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain >> further information Corporate and Group Tax Law | Indirect Taxes 28.11.2023 | FGS Event Jahresendseminare 2023: „Neues zum Unternehmenssteuerrecht“ und „Umsatzsteuerrecht aktuell“ >> weitere Informationen ESG | Tax Law | Indirect Taxes | International Tax Law / Transfer Pricing 20.09.2023 | FGS Event Webinar: Eco, (single-use) plastics and packaging taxes – an international assessment >> weitere Informationen Indirect Taxes | Corporate and Group Tax Law 06.06.2023 | FGS Event Webinar: New mandatory e-invoicing regulations in Poland from 1 July 2024 and possible changes in Germany >> weitere Informationen Indirect Taxes | Corporate and Group Tax Law | Family Business | Real Estate | Corporate Law | Foundations & NPO | Tax Law | Audit & Valuation 29.11.2022 | FGS Event Jahresendseminare 2022 >> more information Corporate and Group Tax Law | Indirect Taxes 09.11.2022 | FGS Event Webinar: Garantiezusagen als Versicherungsleistung? Auswirkungen im Umsatzsteuer-, Versicherungsteuer- und Aufsichtsrecht >> more information