Dr. Valentin Eden Urban

Dr. Valentin Eden Urban


Lawyer since 2024

2012-2014 Studied history and politics and society at the University of Bonn (B.A.)
2014-2019 Studied law (state exam) at the University of Bonn
2019-2020 Research assistant at the University of Bonn
2019-2020 Doctorate (Dr. jur.)
2020-2021 German lawyer in the Netherlands at EURIEC
2021-2023 Legal clerkship at the higher regional court of Cologne – central personnel administration at the local court of Bonn, stagiaire at Flick Gocke Schaumburg

Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2024

    Das Trennungsgebot als Prinzip (Dissertation)
    LIT Verlag Münster, 2021
    Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen – Die Entscheidungen von EuGH und EuG zu Art. 102 AEUV in Servizio Elettrico Nazionale, Lietuvos , Unilever Italia, Intel, Qualcomm und Google Android
    ZWeR 2023, 209

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