Christian Ewel

Christian Ewel

Director IT Audit, Risk, Compliance

Christian Ewel

Director IT Audit, Risk, Compliance


+49 228 9594-211
+49 228 9594-100

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) since 2010, Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) since 2018

Diploma in business engineering since 2002 (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
Manager/Prokurist (authorized representative) till June 2018
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 2018

    Proof-of-Trust – Digital Trust am Beispiel der Kryptoverwahrung
    ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. (Hrsg.), Fachgruppe Digital Trust, Whitepaper 2/2024
    Geldwäscheprävention und das Digital Trust Ecosystem Framework
    IT-Governance, Heft 39 | Juli 2024 | 18. Jahrgang | ISSN 1864-6557
    Prüfung von Smart Contracts als Maßnahme zur Förderung von Digital Trust
    IT-Governance, Heft 36, 16. Jahrgang, 2022

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