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Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises medavis on merger with InformMe

26.03.2024 | Deals done

Flick Gocke Schaumburg has advised medavis GmbH on its merger with InformMe GmbH. medavis is a leading provider of specialized software for radiologists in private practice, radiology practice groups, and hospitals.

The majority shareholders of medavis are funds advised by family investor Bregal Unternehmerkapital (BU).

Advisors to medavis GmbH: Flick Gocke Schaumburg

Mathias Bülow (project lead; private equity/M&A), Dr. Florian Holzner (tax), Justus Bode (private equity/M&A); associate: Dr. Golo Meven (private equity/M&A)

Led by Mathias Bülow, teams from Flick Gocke Schaumburg regularly advise portfolio companies of funds advised by BU. Most recently, these teams assisted medavis in its merger with Digithurst, and advised the BuildTec group on the integration of Hausmann Wynen and the conclusion of a partnership with Glaser GmbH.

BU is a leading family investor with offices in Munich, Zug and Milan. Its funds invest in medium-sized companies headquartered in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy. Since it was founded in 2015, the funds advised by BU have invested over EUR 2.6 billion in more than 90 companies. BU's assets under management currently total around EUR 4 billion.

Based in Karlsruhe, medavis GmbH is a medium-sized company that has been a specialist in process optimization in radiology for 25 years.

InformMe, based in Munich, is a digital health startup that specializes in digital patient communication. Its target groups are individual practices, medical centers, and clinics. <<<