Crypto assets

Navigate safely in a dynamic market

Crypto assets are rapidly transforming the economic landscape. The market capitalisation of exchange-traded digital currencies surged from roughly USD 1.5 trillion at the close of 2023 to nearly USD 2.5 trillion by mid-2024. Meanwhile, items of crypto art (NFTs), have gained significant traction, joining cryptocurrencies in the mainstream. This has driven growing global demand. 

While this asset class plays a more significant role in the economy, the tax treatment of crypto transactions become increasingly important. Although the first government circulars and court rulings on the taxation of digital assets are available, many detailed questions remain unresolved. In this dynamic and innovation-driven environment, our team of experienced advisors will support you in making the most of the opportunities that arise while avoiding (tax) legal pitfalls. 

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In brief: Crypto assets

Crypto assets are digital assets, based on distributed ledger technology such as blockchain. A distinction is made between fungible and non-fungible tokens as well as between currency tokens (virtual currencies), utility tokens (used with certain services) and security tokens (which represent traditional financial instruments such as shares). Depending on their function, they can be categorised as being regulated financial instruments or electronic securities, for example. According to Germany’s Federal Tax Court, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are assets subject to taxation.


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Our expertise at a glance

Crypto assets in income tax and VAT law

  • Taxation of capital investments and investors 
  • Tax support for financial service providers
  • Advice on documentation requirements in accordance with the GoBD (the German Principles for the Proper Management and Storage of Books, Records and Documents in Electronic Form and Data Access) 
  • Advice on electronic tax audits and other tax procedures
  • Tax compliance

Crypto assets in wealth and succession planning

  • Gifting and inheriting crypto assets
  • Tax-optimised investment structuring and internal agreement for crypto investors
  • Strategies for asset protection 
  • Crypto assets in the (charitable) foundation context
  • International taxation issues 

Valuation of crypto assets

  • Determining the market value of and preparing valuation reports for tokens, (unfinished) blockchain projects and companies in the crypto environment
  • Valuation-related situations include, for example:
    • Employee shareholdings
    • Transfer of (unfinished) blockchain projects to other legal entities
    • Inheritance and gift taxable asset transfers

Crypto assets in fund advisory services

  • Fund structuring 
  • Advice on investing in crypto funds
  • Advice on special tax and regulatory issues

Crypto assets in criminal tax law advice

  • Criminal law-related prevention advice
  • Supplementary declarations and voluntary disclosures
  • Criminal defence 

Web3 tax consulting and risk & compliance management in crypto custody

  • Regulatory advice / German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) authorisation procedures
  • Technology-related advice (blockchain)
  • Designing and securing underlying IT systems
  • Business and tax law advice on business models

Questions & Answers

What are crypto assets?
What are cryptocurrencies?
What is crypto art?
To whom are crypto assets attributed for tax purposes and what should investors bear in mind?
Are profits from crypto assets taxable?
Can crypto assets be inherited?
What is important to consider when it comes to succession planning?

Crypto assets News & Insights

18.11.2024 | Latest news
Flick Gocke Schaumburg announces six new partners
13.06.2024 | External Event
Betreuung privater Vermögen und Familienunternehmen 2024
04.06.2024 | External Event
Schwerpunktbereich Digitalisierung zum Thema „Krypto-Assets“
30.06.2023 | External Event
Betreuung privater Vermögen und Familienunternehmen 2023: Recht und Steuern zum Thema „Kryptokunst“
28.03.2023 | External Event
Brühler Symposion Token und Steuern - Ertragssteuerrechtliche Behandlung von virtuellen Währungen und von sonstigen Token
08.03.2023 | FGS Blog
BFH zur Steuerbarkeit von Gewinnen aus der Veräußerung von Kryptowährungen
20.12.2022 | FGS Blog
BMF zur ertragsteuerlichen Behandlung von Krypto-Transaktionen
20.05.2022 | FGS Blog
BMF veröffentlicht finales Schreiben zur ertragsteuerlichen Behandlung von Krypto Assets
21.06.2021 | FGS Blog
BMF äußert sich zur ertragsteuerlichen Behandlung von Krypto Assets

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